
Variety Collection ( One and only wholesale shop) - Pepsicola townplanning, Old sinamangal-35. Email- Contact- +977-9813200575. Binay Shrestha.

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Friday, June 29, 2012


                                                                  NPR :- 200 Only
                                                                  You will get 10% discount If you purchase this product at
                                                                    VARIETY  COLLECTION
        120ml = NPR:- 100 Only
        240ml = NPR:- 180 Only
       You will get 10% discount If you purchase this product at


                                                NRP:-140 Only
                                               You will get 10% discount If you purchase at
                                                  VARIETY COLLECTION

Thursday, June 28, 2012



Manufactured by
                   Nepal Herbs IND.PVT.LTD Parsa, Nepal
Marketed by
                  Variety Collection Pepsicola, Townplannig

           Newlook hair treatment cream is formulated to help nourish hair damaged by coloring, perming, UV Rays & Pollution Preventing cuticle lift-up and smoothen hair surface. It contains added Keratin Protein, Moisturizer, Vitamins & Silicon to selectively condition the hair's most damaged area.

You can get in two size
400ml:- NRP:- 300
200ml:- NRP:-170
                    You will get 10%discount If you purchase this product at VARIETY COLLECTION 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Body spry

                          Body Spray
                                             Manufactured by VANESA Cosmetics
                               Marketed by   VARIETY  COLLECTION

 All new Denver HAMILTON deodorant body spray for men with
a carefully blended fragrance mix and a long lasting deo protection
against body odours, to keep you delightfully fresh through the day.

                You will get 10% discount If  you purchase at
                          VARIETY COLLECTION 
                              Pepsicola , townplanning

Friday, May 25, 2012

Best Beauty Tips

1.       Easy & Quick Solution to Dandruff

Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and then wash your hair. Results are amazing dandruff.

2.           Make Your Own Herbal Hair Oil

(For dandruff & strong hair)
  • Take a bunch of mehendi leaves along with amla pieces (either fresh or dried ones which have been soaked overnight).
  • Grind these coarsely together.
  • Now take about 150 ml of coconut oil in a cooking vessel (kadai) and add the paste to it.
  • Simmer on low flame till all moisture evaporates.
  • Cool and strain use regularly.
  • Keeps dandruff away and also makes hair roots strong.

3.           For a Glowing Face

Make a paste of 2 table spoons of cream (malai), 1½ table spoons of Ata (wheat flour ) and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.
[Note : For oily skin use besan (gram flour) instead of Ata.]
Try to think positive, take proper sleep and drink lots of water certainly no one can look more charming.

4.           For Chicken Pox Marks

Kachha  doodh with chiraunji  (bheegi hui) mix it well and make a paste, apply it on chicken pox marks, they will disappear in few days.

5.           For Best Hair

Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Take some petals of hibiscus and grind it in the mixer. Apply this paste to your hair and then rinse it. For better result you can boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter this oil and use it to control hair loss and thinning, you can also use Jaborandi oil which is again an extract of hibiscus flower.

6.           Tomato Wrap

Make a puree of 4 tomatoes. Soak some rice for 30 minutes and grind it coarsely. Add this to the pureed tomatoes. Apply this mixture all over the body and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Bathe with warm water; this is a good scrub recipe for oily skin.

7.           Hair Care

Problem: Excessive hair loss or getting early grey hairs.

Remedy: Soak some methi seeds in night and in the morning make the paste of the seeds and apply it to your scalp. After 1½ - 2 hrs rinse it with plane water. This will strengthen your hair and make them dark and shiny.

8.           Skin care

Problem: If your face is dry and rough.

Remedy: Take equal amount each of Melon, Pumpkin, Cucumber and Watermelon and make a paste of these. Then blend it with milk cream and apply it on your. After 1 hr rinse your face with plane water.

Problem: Sunburn.

Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps in curing sunburns.

9.           Skin Tips

Improve your complexion

Mix equal amounts of Cucumber juice and Lime juice and apply them to your face before taking bath; wait for at least 10 mins.  Your complexion will improve.

10.       Household Tips for your skins– Using Tomatoes

Tomatoes are Anti-Oxidant hence including tomatoes in your daily diet will make your skin Wrinkle Free. And using the paste of one day old curd with a tomato and applying it to your skin soft. Also, if you skin is oily then applying the its pulp on your face for 15 min. then rinse your face with warm water. This will absorb extra oil from your skin and improve your complexion.

11.       Beauty Tips

a. After the Mehendi dries, remove it and apply some Vicks Rub on your hands, let it be there for 5-6 hours. The color of your Mehendi will darken.

b.      Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps us during sunburns.

c.       After removing the skin of the Cucumber and making a paste of the cucumber with raw milk and applying it on your skin will improve your complexion.

What kind of natural foundation is right for you?

There's been a lot of buzz on natural beauty products, but deciphering what's good for your skin type is tricky. Here celebrity makeup artist Joanna Schlip lays out your options. 

Mineral makeup is composed of natural, crushed up minerals like titanium dioxide and mica. It has natural sunblock properties, so it's good for people who are very sun-sensitive or for those who breakout from conventional sunscreens. It is also non-comedogenic, making it a good choice for people with dry skin or ailments like rosacea. Also, minerals are inorganic so bacteria are unable to live in them, giving them a long shelf life without the use of preservatives. We like: Bare Escentuals BareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation,Lancôme Ageless Minérale Skin-Transforming Mineral Powder Foundationand ColorScience Suncanny Foundation Brush SPF 20

Natural makeup is a catch-all term for products made with a high percentage of all-natural ingredients and a very small to non-existent amount of synthetics. They're also usually made with a base of water—instead of oil—so they are a great option if you are prone to breakouts or have acne. We like: Sally Hansen Natural Beauty Inspired by Carmindy Your Skin Makeup,Tarte ReCreate Natural Anti-Aging Foundation and Almay Pure Blends Makeup

Organic makeup contains ingredients that are not only natural, but that are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. This is the purest type of makeup, so it's a safe choice for highly sensitive skin. It's also good for people with skin allergies or who have been suffering from irritated skin. Hard-to-diagnose skin flare-ups are often caused by a reverse reaction or minor allergy to a preservative. We love: Physician’s Formula Organic Wear Face Sculpting Trio and SukiColor Tinted Active Moisturizer

When shopping, be forewarned that the terms "natural" and "organic" aren't regulated by the FDA. Products containing synthetic ingredients and chemicals may use those words on their packaging, even if they only contain one or two natural ingredients. Schlip advises consumers to read labels carefully and learn to identify potentially harmful and irritating ingredients like parabens, sulfates and petrochemicals. Also, look for stamps of approval from certification brands like the USDA and Eco-Cert to let you know that a product is a reputable green one.

How to Get Super Pouty Lips

Having a hard time trying to achieve sexy super pouty lips? Here are a few steps in order to achieve this look that pairs perfectly with a dark smokey eye or a simple clean fresh look!

What you will need: lip balm; lip primer/lip erase/ foundation/concealer; lip pencil; lipstick and lip gloss.

First of all you want a clean canvas much like how you use foundation to achieve an even and clean look on your face as a whole; you want to do the same with your lips. Since most people do their lips last, start with applying a clear lip balm on your lips before applying the rest of your makeup so that your lips will be nice and moist and soft and ready to go once you get to this last step in your routine. I like to use Blistex Deep Moisture Renewal Sunscreen/Lip Protectant. You can use whatever lip balm treatment you would like for this step. You can also use MAC's Lip Conditioner in a jar or tube.

Once you are ready to begin you will want to wipe the excess lip balm off your lips so that you can apply a lip primer/lip erase such as one from MAC Cosmetics or Urban Decay. You can skip this step if you want or you can even use your regular foundation/powder. The point of this step is to even out the color and texture of your lips, and create an even base so that your lip color has something to stick to. Again if you don't want to do this step you don't have to. Some people find this step unnecessary or too drying on the lip.

Using the right lip pencil is crucial at this stage. Even if you are only applying lip gloss defining your lip can save you from the lip gloss or lipstick from bleeding outside of the lines and in the case of lip gloss it can save you from looking like you are drooling. Not a good look on anyone! If you are going for a super clean look you will want to choose a pencil that is a nude or light pink and for a darker look you may want to venture into a purple or even a black pencil (you can use a black eyeliner pencil if you are going for a black or dark wine color).

Start by lining your top lip first. Use light feathering strokes to outline your lip. Begin with your cupids bow. You don't need to go outside your natural lip line for this look. Instead of over-emphasizing the cupids bow try to make the lines more of a straight line or slightly curved line rather than a strict 'V' shape. This is more flattering on most people. Also at the corners you might want to slightly draw the line inwards to draw more attention to your bottom lip.

Next outline your bottom lip. This is where you can over-emphasize your natural lip line, but be careful to only do this in the center of the lip. Don't forget to line the corners and then fill your lips in entirely. *note this is very important to do if you have not used some sort of primer or base

Once you have finished lining your lips you can move onto the lipstick. You can use the tube or a brush for this step. All depends on your comfort level. Using a lip brush is sometimes easier to use when you are manipulating your lip line (e.g. exaggerating your natural lip line or making the lip line look smaller; which we are doing both for this look); but if you are comfortable just using the lipstick itself that is fine as well. You will want to use a darker lipstick than lipgloss, or use a clear lipgloss if you are going for a nude lip, or even a slightly lighter nude or pink gloss. You will want to avoid glittery glosses. Also using a matte finished lipstick works best for this look. MAC has the Mattene lipsticks that work great for this and Rimmel has some excellent glosses including a black gloss that will work if you are using a matte black or purple lipstick.
Once you have the lipstick applied its time for the gloss. You don't want to put this all over the lips, just in the center of the lip on both the top and bottom. Just purse your lips together a few times and do the finger trick in order to keep lipstick off your teeth.

If you happen to have lip piercings everything is the same except for the lining of the lips as you may have to line around the actual piercing. Try to keep the center of the lip line thicker than the sides and make sure to wipe the jewelry off so that there isn't product all over the rings so the look doesn't turn into a gooey mess!

Last step is to use concealer with a small brush to clean up your lip line ever so lightly which also helps to keep your lips looking fresh and crisp. Do this lastly to define the line more. You can still skip this step if you wish but it really can make a huge difference. Voila you are done and your pouty lips will surely get noticed!

Top four hair style

Every year brings a new collection of trendy hair styles. There are 4 types of styles this year that will be popular: They include wavy hairstyles, hair styles with layers, hairstyles with bangs and the bob hair style.

Wavy – This hair style features soft, bouncy waves all over. Create this hairstyle by first applying a curl-enhancing cream or gel and a heat protectant to damp hair. Blow dry the hair using a diffuser attachment and just your fingers to shape and position the hair. Once the hair is completely dry, you can add all over waves using a medium barrel curling iron. Roll up small sections of hair in the curling iron and hold in a vertical position for about 20-30 seconds, or until the hair in the curling iron feels hot to the touch.

Layers– Layers are a great addition to any haircut. They help to add movement to a style, reduce bulkiness and can sometimes make styling easier. If you have extra frizzy or thick hair, you will want to go with very long layers as short layers do not work well with frizzy hair. A very popular trend today is to get a short to medium length haircut with very long layers added throughout. The short shag hairstyle, similar to Meg Ryan's in Harry met Sally, is making a comeback this year. It has that heavy layered- looks like you grabbed the scissors and started cutting your hair every which way-look that can be worn in a short or medium length.

Bangs – Hair bangs, like layers, are a great addition to any haircut. The most popular type is the side-swept bang. These bangs are longer, past the eyebrow, and are styled swept off to one side of the face for a very flattering look. There is also the full bang, short and choppy bang and the fringe bangs. Fringe bangs are just a hint of bang and are the best type of bang to start with if you have never had bangs before. Create the piecey bangs look quickly by applying a small amount of pomade to the ends of the hair.

Bobs – The bob is still a very popular style. Although bob trendsetters Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes no longer wear bob hairstyles, this type of cut is still popular because of its flattering appearance and easy style-ability. There are many different versions of the bob, including the inverted bob, short, medium and long length bobs. Adding highlights or lowlights to the bob haircut can create a more dimensional look.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Information about Fair and lovely.


Queries on the product and formulation

  1. How & when was Fair & Lovely first made?
  2. Scientists at the Unilever Research Laboratories in India were the first to discover the skin lightening action of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) that led to the development of a unique and patented formulation of Fair & Lovely in 1972. Fair & Lovely was launched in 1978 in India.
  3. How does Fair & Lovely work / How does Fair & Lovely make skin fair?

    Fair & Lovely's formulation contains a unique fairness system that combines active agents and sunscreens. It works by gently controlling the dispersion of melanin and preventing the sun induced effects of melanogenesis. Melanin is the predominant factor in determining skin colour and is produced in the lower layers of the epidermis and then distributed to the upper layers. The dispersion/aggregation of melanin largely contributes to skin colour. Fair & Lovely is formulated with optimum levels of ultra violet (UV) sunscreens and niacinamide, which is known to control the dispersion of melanin in the skin. It is a patented and proprietary formulation developed at the Unilever Research Centre. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin and is widely found in cereals, fruits and vegetables. The UV components of the formulation are scientifically chosen and used at optimum levels to provide wide spectrum protection from the UV rays of the sun. All the active ingredients in the Fair & Lovely formulation function synergistically to lighten skin colour through a process that is natural, reversible and totally safe.
3.       Does Fair & Lovely contain any harmful substances such as alcohol, steroids, hydroquinine, mercury or bleach?
    No, Fair & Lovely does not contain any such harmful substance. We have independent laboratory reports from Shiva Analyticals (India) Ltd., Bangalore and Hall Analytical Laboratories Ltd., United Kingdom certifying this.   4.  Does Fair & Lovely use any animal fat / oils?
    All the oil & fat used in Fair & Lovely products are of vegetable or synthetic origin only. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. follows a very stringent code of not using any animal based ingredients.
5.How deep in skin does Fair & Lovely penetrate?
    Fair & Lovely products are designed to deliver benefits within and on the surface layer only.
Variety Collection ( One and only wholesale shop) - Pepsicola townplanning, Old sinamangal-35. Contact- +977-9813200575. Binay Shrestha.